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Hawkeye Global offers commercial and international consulting focused on global sustainability, product solutions, and humanitarian aid.


Specializing in international product development, project consulting, marketing, green engineering, manufacturing and implementation, Hawkeye Global products and services are designed to benefit and protect. 



HG Solution Based

Consulting Services

International consulting for total project planning offering expertise in technical development, product design and implementation to feed, shelter, heal, teach and protect. Internationally recognized, Hawkeye Global founder, Nico Hawkeye. A proponent of environmental safety, Hawkeye Global products are Eco-solution based. 

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HG Biodegradable-To-Soil

Plastic Additive

Made in the USA, an FDA approved additive, independently tested, a proprietary formula able to turn any petroleum-based, manmade material into hummus or SOIL..  Eaten by naturally microbes found in landfills, waterways such as the oceans, or compost sites, naturally occurring  

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HG Safe Thermal & Acoustical Insulation

Fiberglass & Foam Free

We manufacture fiberglass-free, and foam-free safe, thermal and acoustical insulation made from recycled plastic bottles using our Plastics Recycled 2 Permanent Use Technology.  Our safe and sound environments are free of dangerous airborne particulates and life-threatening fiberglass and foam insulation.


Hawkeye Global


Combating mosquitoes with our proprietary product, dispersed by a specially-outfitted Sea Wolf Amphibious Planes. Multi-purpose aircraft with patented technology is part of Hawkeye Global Aviation.

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HG Organic Health &

Longevity Wellness Centers

A unique collection of organic health services and programs designed to diagnose, correct, repair and enhance well-being. Presented in Hawkeye Global centers utilizing advanced technologies.


HG GrainStalk Technology

Building Materials

Ends Tree Deforestation

Structural materials made from grain shaft, a byproduct of harvesting, these materials are produced using a mechanical conversion process and replace drywall, roofing, floorboards, and more. Fireproof, thermal and acoustically-sound, with multiple applications to create shelter and other structures without deforestation. 

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HG Mosquito Max

Defense Program

Natural formulas designed to safely defend against virus-carrying mosquitoes while preserving the environment defend against  Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya viruses, yellow fever and the Anopheles malaria-carrying mosquito.

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HG Color Defender 

Color Matching Technology

Color Defender is a unique color scanning system to accurately identify the color of textiles, hard products and any surface with color, Accurately identify and coordinate colors of online products to enhance sales, reduce returns and control inventory. Coordinates colors across multiple products for ideal product management.  

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We Make

Things Happen, 

Around the World.

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